The three book novel begins with the story of a twenty-five year old college dropout named Valerie Heston who is kicked onto the streets by her parents. Having nowhere to go she joins a coven that takes her into their house. After assuming the magical name 'Mozelle', as part of an initiation, she discovers some very dark secrets about this coven and ends up on the run for her life. The second book assumes the role of a book Valerie reads at the end of book one, and is about a wizard who is on a psychological quest to destroy himself but then realizes that the one he must kill is really another man. In the third book we are introduced to a man who leaves his home only to find that it has disappeared. When he finally finds his home, after a series of surreal adventures, he discovers a book which apparently he has written. What he finds within its pages is enough to unite the world... and end it forever.